I realli appreciated all my brothers and friends around who gave me the support n concern this few days.. YES!!! I have to admit that i am facin some problems that i am tryin to settle b4 i start sch n b4 all the HQ events that i am involve so that wont affect the whole team efforts lol..
But no worries about me, i still can manage it as tis few days i am free till i start sch on the 12/06/07, I sit down slowly think thru & find the solutions/answers for all the problems that i faced.. Had been relaxin my mind since NPCC duty till now.. So just bear with me when I go out with any brothers or friends around me out to enjoy.. I know when go out i supposed to be happi n enjoying but i just cant leave all my problems aside or stopped thinking of it...
SO just give me time.. And thanks for the encouagement n concern ppl.. I realli appreciated it...Thanks
recently was busy with some stuffs regards on my study n family matters.. hahah Went out with the usual group of people for a dinner n gatherin .. we had our dinner at a alley street near bugis( don know wat is the street name) haha.. was fun seein all my others brothers who i have been not seein them for veri long.. The usual gatherin at TCC have been cut down lots due to busy schedule.. sigh..
Life have changed no longer like last time le.. Don know whether is change for the better or worst.. all gonna depend le... Life's have to move on even thou u face any problems.. BUT whO Cares about it whether you face any problem.. aLL huMaNs Being faces problem every now n then... So now just let the time n ppl arnd u to tell the differences ba...
If 1 + 1 = 2 Then what about ??? Humans + Problems = ?????????? ( who Knows )
Does that mean if you are rich, you will have the best stuffs in the world or will u be happy..
Does that mean if you are poor, you will have the lousy stuffs in the world or will u be sad..
Senior Alex Lim.. He had left us and went to another world le..
Most of the RCY PPl went to his WAKE at NOvena a temple. When I reached his WAKE together with wilson N his juniors, I saw lots of long lost seniors which had alreadi left Red Cross le.. BUt Guess What!!!! I only can remb their Face but not their Names..
Recently had beeN busy my scHOOL aDmin & Rc MaTters.. So don come and bug me for no reasons.. JUs simPly Leave me aLone !!!! As I beLoNg to the NObOdy WorLd that Live in the Unwanted Dark Space...
This year the celebration was held at St James Power Station... ... We reached there was about 2110hrs. Before going in the pub, we had a our hand stamp with a Red Cross logo, first thing we saw when we entered was the pub 60% was filled mostly Red Cross people and mostly are those Old Man n Old Lady lol... ha! Ha!... Sad that not much youngsters or pretty girls.. Overall i would said that the pub was totally different from other pub at clarke quay or boat quay... We sat for about 30min talkin those other instructors who were earlier then us. After that we went to ViVo to have our dinner. wHiLe waLkin to VIvO, most of the time i was waLkin alone aHead of the rest and daY-Dream.... AS from my expression and the way i replied them, they kept askin me "aM I aLrIGhT aNot as U sEEm uNusuaL toDaY" But fraNkLy sPeaKin, YES!!! i am having problems recently but not to spOiL theiR moOD, I have to rePLied " I aM alRigHt"
So we settled down at BurGer King for ouR dinNer.. wHiLe eaTin we were haPpiLy goSSipin n sUaNning eaCh oTher... hA!!! ha!.. aGaIn I aM daY-DReaMin mosT of The TIme.... ceRtaIn tHing I caNT JusT siMplY fOrGet of wHAt HappEnEd to Me RecentLy...
aFTer the DiNNEr, We WAlKed baCk to dRAgOnfLY to caRRy on oUR haPPy HourS... BUt Guess WHAt !!!! wHen We were re-EnTerIn the pub, only cHee kEOng n Me were tOld by the bouncers that ReD Cross CeLeBraTion Was OVER so we cant enter even we got sTamp.. Reason Being was that chEe KeoNg n Me were beLOW the MIn aGe(23) for guys to enter the pub (dRagonfLy).. So the rest went as per normal leavin us behind, sO we saT down at a steps/stairs near the pub called dRagOnfLy lol..
sO what happened next.. Jus check it yourself on the video i gonna upload lol.. hahah
my apology for my updatin my blog recently.. As i am busy doin other stuffs n work..
I am busy with the design for the FIRST LSFC T-shirt and settling some of my school admin matters.While designin the t-shirt at night, i was playin online mahjong with Chee Keong, Alvin P2 N charmanie. I also don know why i got the craving of playin mahjong or can i say i am addicted to the game le.. Most of the game we played, Chee Keong the "LAO WAN DONG" kept the same set of tile as me lol.. So end up either me or him having the lowest score during the game lol.. If not "LAO WAN DONG" will hint other players to throw the tile that he had been waiting, in order he can GAME LOL...
The Poem for the day:
Friend A friend is a person to laugh and cry with, An inspiration, Someone who lends a helping hand, though friends may not be forever, And they may not end up together, the memories of a true friendship will last forever. A friend is not a shadow nor a servant But someone who hold a piece of a person in his heart. Someone who shares a smile, Someone who brightens up your day What makes a person a friend? Is by saying your Love will stay.