Light of the world,

You stepped down into darkness

Opened my eyes, let me see

Beauty that made this heart adore You

Hope of my life spent with You

And here I am to worship

Here I am to bow down

Here I am to say that You're my God

You're altogether lovely

Altogether worthy

Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days

Oh, so highly exalted

Glorious in heaven above

Humbly You came to the earth You created

All for love's sake became poor

I'll never know how much it cost

To see my sin upon that cross

*.* Child of God *.*

Name: David Liau
Nickz: Snr Beng / Ah Beng
Birthday: 12/Jan/86
Occupation: F&B Service Captain/ Trainer

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Created by Charisma
Found at Blogskins

Friday, July 27, 2007

*.* Flying Emails & DEAD HUMAN ZOMBIE *.*

Recently Emails are flyin everywhere lol... That's make me confused lo..... I realli cant wait for all the events on my hand to be OVER .. den i wont have emails fly to my acct... hahaha....

Back to my sch stuffs..

Tourism Industry Modules quite interestin lo.. But the presentation and report are killing me le... which lead me to a dead human zombie walkin arnd ... haha.. ( JNr Beng said he goNna FIND cuRe for me) haha... So meanwhile i am doin my report, i am in my zombie status... hahaha....

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I shone with Jesus @ | 8:57 AM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

*.* Zombie Zombie *.*

Recently I tink i had turned into a waLkIn zOmbie that don need to eat or slp de.. I ReaLLi feeL LIke jsu t shut my eye and sit down near a BeacH and relAz my mind.. problems keep increasing.. sigh.... siGh.... I thiNK i chOose to keep it to myseLf... hahahahah

arrrgh..... arrrgh..... walkin zombie ....

I shone with Jesus @ | 6:11 AM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

*.* irritating people in singapore *.*

In the morning,before i boarded the train when the it arrived at the platform.. As we all know that the train headin towards Marnia Bay in the mornin will be damn crowded like PacK sARDiNes Lol...

So when i am about to board the train aft the passengers had alighted. Common sense we should move in and occupy the space. Then got one particular chIna-ChINese guy who was talkin on the phone and didnt bother to move in. Yet he is staNdin in the middle of the train cabin door lol.... I alMost sHouted at him at that point of time lol.. arrrgh....

Next was a lady standin right in front of the slide door once the train had arrived.. Immediately once the door open, she didnt bother to stand behind the yellow line and let those passengers to alight first. She just squeezed her way thru into train and find a seat to sit down ... Damn In-considerate to the other passengers la.

Morinin alreadi got one in-considerate man standin in the middle of the train cabin and talk on phone. Dont' even to move in. Next followed by another in-considerate lady dont know how to let passengers to alight before boardin the train... What the point of rushing just to find a seat as she is only late 20s only..

Why singaporean got these kind of living in here.. Why cant they spare thoughts for other people............ arrrrrrgh........

LEt's blog of some of my sch stuffs...

Yesterdae was my start of my Toursim Industry Modules. The lecturer spent 2 days to brief us about our gRoup Assignment.. We need to do a Presentation and a Detail Report of the presentation.. Based on the Economic, Enivormental and lastly Socio-cultures of our selected country. For the 3 main points, we need to present their both pOsitive and negatives views....

Then we are ONLY 2weeks to complete and do our research... arrrgh... wOrkLoad Increased !!!!

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I shone with Jesus @ | 6:49 AM

Sunday, July 22, 2007

*.* cLap!!! cLAp!!! *.*

YeaH!! Mass Accred was OVER le.. Now can concentrate on the other two events on hand .. I slept at arnd 12am yesterdae den i woke up at arnd 2pm in the afternn.. I reaLLi had a good rest last night. As last fews days i had been sleeping late and wake up early in the mornin the followin day lol......I reaLLi don why i always have a good rest on sat night till sun mornin .... hahaha... hahaha..

(21/7/07) is a kind of memorable date for me in my 5yrs of services as a Instructors.. hahahah... I shall not elborate more of why is it memorable for me... haha...

quote from old people (everything always have the first time. After the first time, then everything will be resume back as per normal le)
I find it quite true of what they said lol.. aft that incident happened... hahahah.....

aLrIght , I sHaLL end my posting here le...

Next event on hand: Evac Modular Workshop (Silver and Gold)
Pls support if you can, look for Joan Ow.. Thanks

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I shone with Jesus @ | 8:04 AM

Saturday, July 21, 2007

*.* a tiring dae *.*

TOdae wOke up arnd 0615hrs to get ready to meet aLVin at AMK Hub 0645 for B/f... hahah... aft B/f we head to AMk Mrt stn to take tRain to yishun.. haHA.. wHilE waLKIn to yishun bUs iNteRcHange to Take bus, wE saw a cadet WeaRin fULL-U without head gear but guess wHAT WHAT.... .. SHe was wearin Hair Net N waLk from mRt sTn to Bus iNTerChange lol....

dURin the jouRney in Bus, we Met JasOn .... haha.... He told us that qi Rong supposed to pick hIm up at 0730 but due to last min changes. Qi Rong PS jason lol.. HaHHaha.... aLvin n me were the first two who reached the sch lol... hahah.... Den went to collect the classroom keys from the OIC of FD ... hahahahah..... tHEn sLowly one by one called me when they reached the sch as they don't know where are the classroom located ... haha....

OVeralll the accreditaton was on a smoothly n fine b4 break for lunch... BUt after lunch everythin seem to go on the different route le... jus 1 joker caused the whole thing changed ... that's make all the seniors like a ants runnin on the hot saucer lol..... ( for those who are present, he/she will know what had happened)

special thanks to:
Yeo Chee Keong,
Joshua Lim,
Kenny Boey,
Jin Jiu,
Guo Zhong,
Alvin Ee,
Nicholas Tang,
Jason Gan,
Jason Lim,
Derek Choo,
Joan Ow

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I shone with Jesus @ | 5:44 AM

Thursday, July 19, 2007

*.* yEah!!! i aM bACk to bLog aGaIN *.*

Recently dUe to stress on studies n problems.. So i choose to relaz my mind by searchin new blogskin but i edited the pic and also changed my blog song..

I am delicating this blogskin to my 5yRs batCh mates ....
yEo cHee kEong,
Max Loo,
JosHua Lim,
aLviN eE,
kEnny BoeY,

And lastly our oNe & OnLy fEmaLe HuDa...

Todae i had no class, so i woke up around 2plus in the afternoon.. As last night i actually slept at around 0400hrs(18/7/07) morNin... HaHa!!!

I reaLLy caNt wait the foLLowIng 3 EvEnTs on hanD to a HaPPy n sMooTh eNdin...

Mass Accred (21st jULy)
Modular Workshop (4th & 11th August)
First Aid Comp (18th August)

fIrstLY, I waNNa tHaNks all the inStructors who had volunTeered theIr HeLp in the EvENTs..

OnCe these events are OVER, I tHInK is time for me to take a BREAK OFF from RC and cOncEnTrate oN stuDIes le.... I know these kind of thought might be selfish as sound like Red cross is a burDen to me .. Haha!!! dOn geT the wRong MeanIn ar.. I jus waNNa spEnd mORe tiME on Studies first..

For the past few years in Red Cross, I realli appreciated all my brothers & sisters who left lots of memories in my mind.. even thought a day i gonna leave RC BUT MEMORIES will STAY in my heart FOREVER ...

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I shone with Jesus @ | 12:34 AM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

*.* my first post in my new blogskin *.*

hi aLL, my Veri fIRst on my NEW blOgsKin... haHa!!!
todae no sCh.... So woKe Up aRnd 12nn lor and do my assignment lol.. haha!! .. dO unTiL i SkiPped my LunCh... So caRRy on doIn assignment with hungRy stomach till dinner time.. at home nothing to eat than i also lazy to go down n buy packed foods. so kept drinkin water n water lol.. unAble to finished all the tutorial question than have a quick dinner then rushed down to cINe to watCh tRaNsFormErs toGethEr with CK,P2,FIona Koe,aMbRose,KeNNY N wIlson.. Haha.. The movie is realli worth watChin the second time as what most ppl said aft they watChed it.. Haha.. lots of ActIon lol..

wHen we were seated, Ck try been nice and considerate to the others who are watchin the show. hE tried out by givin me, wilson n kenny a missed call each to "TEST" whether did we switChed our phone to sLient Mode.. sEE he SO NICE Rite... hhahahaha...

a foOLish act by wilson who took the "toilet WashIn in process" sign out from the toilet and tried been funni he put it in front of the lift.. But his ACT caught the attention of a security guard who was on duty .. den the rest quickly walked away and pretend we don know him.. eviL rite.. haHahAh!!!!

tAT's aLL for todae... tRansfORmeR roxzzzz !!!!!

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I shone with Jesus @ | 9:53 AM

Monday, July 9, 2007

oH my God.. What Happened!!! WhAt HapPeNDeD !!! My blOG seeM so Dead RecenTly.. i sHaLL mAKe my bLOG come aLIVe agaIn.. Let's Count toGether wiTh from 1 -5 !!!!!


Let's blOG from SaturdaE ba..

Went sHoPpIn at ViVo with cHee KeoNG, Max n josHua... actUaLLy waNna bUY stuffs de but enD uP winDOw sHoPPin b'coz we waLk n Talk at the same lol.. Guys also haVe lOts OF stuffs to Talk de lol.. HaahAAA haHAa !!! Den we our lIght dinner at LJS den head down to TCC to meet the rest and the same time boss(waimin) had somethin to tell us.. haha .. aT tCC had Lots of fun includin chEE keOng beeN "taU Pak" bY the Evil ( WilsOn, Me, JoshuA N max) HAhah.. wiLL upLoad photoss sooN... hAhA... MR twIn dInO cHoo, PLEASE STOP EATIN THOSE OILY&FRIED FOODS.. DRINK DRINK DRINK MORE WATER WATER Ar.... iF tHe neXt tiMe i see u , u beTTEr fuLLy reCoVer le Hor... If NOt .... HAHa HahA...

Aft TCC, my gRouP of PpL went to the Nearby Pub to have a dRink .. haha.. den lots of fun... lOok at the pIctures that i Gonna Post den u will know wat are the punishment of the game we played while DrInkin.. As SAt i am realli Veri haPPi.. HAha.. HAha... den drank a lIttLe More.. haha.. Haha..

cheCk out the Pic ba..
TheSe Are sOme of tHe pICtUre That I tooK usIn my CamEra Phone Durin the DrInkIN sessIon.. More To coME.. HAha

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I shone with Jesus @ | 5:45 AM

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

*.* an interestin story *.*

Todae aft class i went J8 Popular to buy some stuffs.. Den incident occured, been nice to help then got scolded.. arrrgh.. spent 2 min to reason out with the 2 ladies.. the problem was just their membership cards got swapped only aft the billing.. JUs tell lady B that Lady A maybe took hers by mistake as just now saw the the cashier placed LAdy A card on top of the Plastic Bag jus coincidence that you(Lady B) told out your card n place on the counter.. Then she(lady B ) shouted at me why don i said ealier before LAdy A left... Waste my 2min to aruge with that unreasonable lady.... unlucky lol.. been nice den this is wat i get in return....

Yeah!!!! from todae till 19july.. all the wed i got no class.. can relaz.. hAhAhA....

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I shone with Jesus @ | 3:38 AM