Recently dUe to stress on studies n problems.. So i choose to relaz my mind by searchin new blogskin but i edited the pic and also changed my blog song..
I am delicating this blogskin to my
5yRs batCh mates ....
yEo cHee kEong,Max Loo,JosHua Lim,aLviN eE,kEnny BoeY,And lastly our oNe & OnLy fEmaLe
Todae i had no class, so i woke up around 2plus in the afternoon.. As last night i actually slept at around 0400hrs(18/7/07) morNin... HaHa!!!
I reaLLy caNt wait the foLLowIng 3 EvEnTs on hanD to a HaPPy n sMooTh eNdin...
Mass Accred (21st jULy)
Modular Workshop (4th & 11th August)
First Aid Comp (18th August)
fIrstLY, I waNNa tHaNks all the inStructors who had volunTeered theIr HeLp in the EvENTs..
OnCe these events are OVER, I tHInK is time for me to take a BREAK OFF from RC and cOncEnTrate oN stuDIes le.... I know these kind of thought might be selfish as sound like Red cross is a burDen to me .. Haha!!! dOn geT the wRong MeanIn ar.. I jus waNNa spEnd mORe tiME on Studies first..
For the past few years in Red Cross, I realli appreciated all my brothers & sisters who left lots of memories in my mind.. even thought a day i gonna leave RC BUT MEMORIES will
STAY in my heart FOREVER ...
Labels: But Never Forget What they TAUGHT YOU, Learn from the tough n hard way