Light of the world,

You stepped down into darkness

Opened my eyes, let me see

Beauty that made this heart adore You

Hope of my life spent with You

And here I am to worship

Here I am to bow down

Here I am to say that You're my God

You're altogether lovely

Altogether worthy

Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days

Oh, so highly exalted

Glorious in heaven above

Humbly You came to the earth You created

All for love's sake became poor

I'll never know how much it cost

To see my sin upon that cross

*.* Child of God *.*

Name: David Liau
Nickz: Snr Beng / Ah Beng
Birthday: 12/Jan/86
Occupation: F&B Service Captain/ Trainer

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pLS dont abuse my tag
ShoutOuts ♥

crappy memories

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Created by Charisma
Found at Blogskins

Thursday, July 19, 2007

*.* yEah!!! i aM bACk to bLog aGaIN *.*

Recently dUe to stress on studies n problems.. So i choose to relaz my mind by searchin new blogskin but i edited the pic and also changed my blog song..

I am delicating this blogskin to my 5yRs batCh mates ....
yEo cHee kEong,
Max Loo,
JosHua Lim,
aLviN eE,
kEnny BoeY,

And lastly our oNe & OnLy fEmaLe HuDa...

Todae i had no class, so i woke up around 2plus in the afternoon.. As last night i actually slept at around 0400hrs(18/7/07) morNin... HaHa!!!

I reaLLy caNt wait the foLLowIng 3 EvEnTs on hanD to a HaPPy n sMooTh eNdin...

Mass Accred (21st jULy)
Modular Workshop (4th & 11th August)
First Aid Comp (18th August)

fIrstLY, I waNNa tHaNks all the inStructors who had volunTeered theIr HeLp in the EvENTs..

OnCe these events are OVER, I tHInK is time for me to take a BREAK OFF from RC and cOncEnTrate oN stuDIes le.... I know these kind of thought might be selfish as sound like Red cross is a burDen to me .. Haha!!! dOn geT the wRong MeanIn ar.. I jus waNNa spEnd mORe tiME on Studies first..

For the past few years in Red Cross, I realli appreciated all my brothers & sisters who left lots of memories in my mind.. even thought a day i gonna leave RC BUT MEMORIES will STAY in my heart FOREVER ...

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I shone with Jesus @ | 12:34 AM