*.* Tiime to update my blog le... *.*
deAr reaDers... soRRy foR not UpDaTiN my bLOg for a PeRiod oF tiime.... reCenTly I haD bEEn buSY with my sTuDies n work lOL... haHa...
a friz asked me one question which uNTill now i still haven answer...
qn: i had Changed since the last tiime u seen me... THen wT abt U ... waT had u change foR the few YEar?
BUt i did replied, I had changed to lOOK mORe shAg le...
i think for the past few year i had been workin for aimlessly but i think is for my own gd in future ba... harDLy got tiime for myself .. but i reaLLi wan to thankz my friz n brother arnd me who kept me accompany by askin me out for supper n eTc.....
pLus i would like to chanCe to thankz.. Those who helped mE ceLebRated mY biRtHdAe .... i appreciated for all the presents that i received... ... thz bro...
note: thOse who had my photo , pls kindly send it to me... thz