TOdae wOke up arnd 0615hrs to get ready to meet aLVin at AMK Hub 0645 for B/f... hahah... aft B/f we head to AMk Mrt stn to take tRain to yishun.. haHA.. wHilE waLKIn to yishun bUs iNteRcHange to Take bus, wE saw a cadet WeaRin fULL-U without head gear but guess wHAT WHAT.... .. SHe was wearin Hair Net N waLk from mRt sTn to Bus iNTerChange lol....
dURin the jouRney in Bus, we Met JasOn .... haha.... He told us that qi Rong supposed to pick hIm up at 0730 but due to last min changes. Qi Rong PS jason lol.. HaHHaha.... aLvin n me were the first two who reached the sch lol... hahah.... Den went to collect the classroom keys from the OIC of FD ... hahahahah..... tHEn sLowly one by one called me when they reached the sch as they don't know where are the classroom located ... haha....
OVeralll the accreditaton was on a smoothly n fine b4 break for lunch... BUt after lunch everythin seem to go on the different route le... jus 1 joker caused the whole thing changed ... that's make all the seniors like a ants runnin on the hot saucer lol..... ( for those who are present, he/she will know what had happened)
special thanks to:
Yeo Chee Keong,
Joshua Lim,
Kenny Boey,
Jin Jiu,
Guo Zhong,
Alvin Ee,
Nicholas Tang,
Jason Gan,
Jason Lim,
Derek Choo,
Joan Ow
Labels: But Never Forget What they TAUGHT YOU, Learn from the tough n hard way