Light of the world,

You stepped down into darkness

Opened my eyes, let me see

Beauty that made this heart adore You

Hope of my life spent with You

And here I am to worship

Here I am to bow down

Here I am to say that You're my God

You're altogether lovely

Altogether worthy

Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days

Oh, so highly exalted

Glorious in heaven above

Humbly You came to the earth You created

All for love's sake became poor

I'll never know how much it cost

To see my sin upon that cross

*.* Child of God *.*

Name: David Liau
Nickz: Snr Beng / Ah Beng
Birthday: 12/Jan/86
Occupation: F&B Service Captain/ Trainer

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Monday, August 6, 2007

*.* heY...I Am bACk agn to BlOg *.*

Hey PpL sorry for Not bLog foR a perIOd Of Time.. Hahah..

LeT Me bLog FrOm lasT tHUrsDay( 02/08/07)- MoNDaY (06/08/07)

thUrsdaY( Bad Dae, Denise PreZent HuNtIn )

sometHIn hapPeneD to my gRandfaTheR OnlY on fRi mOrnIn ... sO gUess wheRe aM i foR tHursdAy NIte... I wEnt wIth wiLSon, DapphNE n EstHer Ker to J8 to Shop for Ms DenIsE cHew B'dAe presEnt N etc.... aFt that we Went to wiLSon hSe anD sTart worK lOl... hahah..
i aM sUrPrIsed By wilsOn's DrawIng Lol. reaLLy sUper nICe NICe anD gOT the aRtIst taLent... cLap clAp CLap... wHiLe oThers were busy dOin deNise Chew preZent laZt mIn wORk, eSTher waS haPpiLy pDa-Ing wiTh My pDA pHonE... HAHahah...

fRidaY ( studies, Hospital , HappI bIRthdaE deNise Chew)

My MuM tOLD me the news befOre b4 i Head to sCh in the MornIn ... den whOle dae the prezenTation wAS Like sHit la.. Hahah.. as i cant focus on The sLide i am PreZenting kePt forgetting the Line.. HaHa.. deN I have to puMp iN any wORds that coMe to my Mind theN i jUz preZent.. Haha.. LuckiLy OveraLL i didnT dRaG my Team down wIth my bAD peRfoRmaNCe... dEn aFt cLass wEnt sTraIGht TO HOspital to see my grANdFather..
THankZ gOD .. hIS CoNditIOn is stAble..... bUt nV had cHANce to sPeak a worDs with HIm..
bUt sPeND qUite A LOng periOD of tiME At the Hospital CHatTin with the Cousins... HAHA...

Left tHe Hospital arND 7plus den went to my auNT and taKe a SHower den head to PS to Meet wilSOn as ToDae We gOnna ceLeBrated mS deNise Chew At The rIVErSIde Indonesian restaurant.. fInaLLy arnd 9plus to ten, all the ppl who supposed to come had arrived.. HappI eatIn. BuT i DOn have the mood to eat or i would said " wo mei weI kou" HehHe...
BUt IN the End, my Plate was fuLL with fooDs... aLL thAnkZ to twIn bro ( deRek cHoo)... haha... tHkZ bro...

Let's End hErE for FrI.. Overall the celebration was a successFul...

SaturdAy. (Modular WorkshOP n HaPPi biRthdae to AMdis N teng You Jie)

AS I reached my place arnd 0330 aft the celebration, den had a chat with wilson at the fitness corner near my houSe .. We Had a chat till 0400hrs, coz verI lOng neVEr Chat with hIm le.. haha..
Reached hOme, had a shower n check emails.. but the time i finished doin those stuffs was alreadi 0530hrs le den i need to wake up arnd 0645 for the modular workshop at VS.... But lUckily durin the bus journey from PAya LeBAr to VS, i am able to catch some rest... haha...

First time i am teachin a Grp of Gal in sILver Modular wOrksHop.. dammIt.. the tIme bOmB waSnT Activated ... hAhaha... thru out the whole workshop i cant reallI focus.... i aLSo dunno why or wHat Happen to Me at that point Of tiMe....

OveraLl the workshop went on smoothly without any hiccups like the mass accred 2weeks ago... Thanks God... Hahaha....

SundaY ( LOng Rest n Prepare for another preZentation )

I woke up arnd 1400hrs to the lost of sleep from thursdae till sat.... haha.. went for a swim alone at bishan swimmin complex.. as veri long neVer exercise le.. haha.. came back arnd 1600 then started preparin n edit the preZentation slIde fOr mOnday.... that's all for suNday...

MondaY ( PreZentation time)

NEarly dozed off during the first grp prsentation lOL... As their slide was jus prepared in a way of readin words by words from their reports without much picture... their preZentation tooK nearLy 45 min la...... dammit.... might as well print out their report n lets us read la...

aft the breaK, den my grp turn le... we are to capture the audience attention by our preZentation. with less words but more picture with some sub Headin ... LucKily our effort nv gone in the waste... hahah... HaHa....

Tat's All todae post... have a great time readin it.. hahaha

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